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Friday, June 3, 2011


Just to bring everyone up to date on course maintenance. The maintenance staff is up to full level for the summer with 12 people including Marty and me. The bunker edging was finished last week before the Member/Member tournament. Fans are up and waiting on the two power companies to Finish there work. They should all be running by mid June. The greens aeration this week came off with out any major problems, all though the heat made it tough on the crew. The greens should be back in shape by next weekend. The over-seeded tees have been sprayed to kill the rye grass so that the Bermuda can start growing and filling in. With the warmer night time temperatures the Bermuda is growing more and filling in winter kill spots, spring dead spots, and high traffic areas. The maintenance staff will be working on these areas to help fill in with additional aeration and fertilize applications. There is some additional sodding planned for some spots this next week as well.We will be pouring a concrete walk way on #2 walk bridge next Monday. Hope this helps keeping everyone up to date, but if you have a question just contact me or ask the next time you see me.